Investigation Of Employees' Opinions On Cyberloafing Behavior In Public Institutions

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Cyberloafing, Non-Work Activity, Non-Work Internet Use


In our era, known as the Information Age, the IT and communications infrastructure were spread across vast geographies along with technological advances. Individuals or organizations have seen significant gains in exchanging data and information with each other, especially communications and computing networks. The internet also served an indispensable purpose in public institutions, but facilitated employees to take action in non-work areas. For the personal purposes of staff in the workplace, Internet uses are referred to as virtual slacking. The factors that influence the individual in carrying out this action are becoming more and more important to the institutions. This study is intended to determine whether the thoughts of personnel working in public institutions on virtual shifts vary according to various variables (gender, age, etc.). The research uses a self-knowledge form with the "Virtual Scale of Recovery" developed by researchers during the data collection phase. The study preferred "The Illustrative Method" as a method of research. In Sivas prefecture, 490 people who are employed in public institutions, contracted or employed workers, and are 18 years or older make up the study's universe, and 490 people who are easily identified by face-to-face or online sampling. Analysis of the research data was done by the SPSS 25.0 statistical packet program. As a result of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normality Test, where the data distribution is not normal, nonparametric statistical methods (Kruskal Wallis H Test, Mann Whitney U Test, Bonferroni Correction Mann Whitney U Test) were used. The study found that the majority of participants ARTICLE INFOS Article History Received: August 18, 2022 Accepted: September 28, 2022 Article Type Research Article Responsible Author Abdulkerim GÜLER Günel, Y., Güler, A. / Journal of Academic Opinion 2022 2(2) 54-66 55 consider using the internet for individual purposes during business hours; that their ability to use technological tools (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.) is good; that they use the internet and computer for one or two hours outside of work. In addition, participants' thoughts on virtual shifting are found to be significant differences in gender, marital status, use of the internet for personal purposes, age, educational status, employment status, monthly income, and duration of employment variables in public institutions.


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How to Cite

Günel, Y., & Güler, A. (2022). Investigation Of Employees’ Opinions On Cyberloafing Behavior In Public Institutions. Journal of Academic Opinion, 2(2), 54–66. Retrieved from


