A Research on Consumer Typologies in Edutainment Parks from an Experiential Marketing Perspective

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Experiential Marketing, Edutainment Parks, Satisfaction, Revisit Intention


The aim of this study is to reveal the typologies of child consumers visiting large-scale edutainment parks in shopping malls in terms of experiential marketing from the parents' perspective. The study was designed according to quantitative research methodology. In the study, 404 parents who visited an edutainment park with their children were reached by using the convenience sampling technique. Survey technique was used to collect data. Explanatory factor analysis, cluster analysis, one-way analysis of variance, Chi-square analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Factor analysis results show that the experience offered in the edutainment park consists of three dimensions: Entertainment and aesthetics, escape and education. Cluster analysis results show that participants are grouped into three clusters according to these dimensions. Experience amorous think that the experience offered in the park has a very high educational contribution to their children and that their children have a lot of fun in the park. According to experience amorous, their children had a very different experience from their daily routine in the park. The second group of experience lovers think that the educational contribution and entertaining nature of the experience offered in the park is at a high level. According to experience lovers, their children had an experience different from their daily routine. The laggards group, on the other hand, positions behind experience amorous and experience lovers in terms of experiential marketing tendencies and displays a more indecisive profile. There are also significant differences between all three clusters in terms of satisfaction and revisiting intentions.


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How to Cite

Süzen, M., & Kılıçer, T. (2024). A Research on Consumer Typologies in Edutainment Parks from an Experiential Marketing Perspective. Journal of Academic Opinion, 4(1), 16–26. Retrieved from http://academicopinion.org/index.php/pub/article/view/51


