An empirical analysis on the relationship between exchange Rate and sectoral inflation in Turkey

Exchange Rate, Inflation, Sectoral Inflation, Granger CausalityAbstract
There are many studies in the literature to determine the relationship between inflation and exchange rate. The direction of this relationship and the significance of the variables were examined through various econometric methods. However, it is seen that studies examining the relationship between sectoral inflation and exchange rate are insufficient in the literature. In this study, the effect of exchange rate on sectoral inflation is investigated for the case of Turkey. The main purpose of the study in this context is to reveal the effect of exchange rate on sectoral inflation in Turkey based on empirical findings within the framework of theoretical approaches. In this direction, monthly data of nominal exchange rate, inflation, domestic production index, agricultural input price index and service producer price index between the years 2017-2020 were analyzed using the Granger causality method. According to the results of the analysis, it was found that there is a causality relationship from exchange rate to inflation. On the other hand, when the results of the analysis are examined at the sectoral level, it is concluded that the changes in the exchange rate have an effect on the industrial sector, the agricultural sector and the service sector.
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