The Hejaz Railway and Its Effects on Jordanian Economy

The Hejaz Railway, Jordanian Economic History, Phosphate Mine, Economy of JordanAbstract
The Industrial Revolution, which started in England in the middle of the 18th century and gradually spread in Europe, significantly changed the course of human history. Before the Industrial Revolution, since energy inputs such as coal, oil and electricity were not used/known yet, production was dependent on energy units provided by water and wind power. Railways, which replaced the animal carriage, radically changed the production and logistics patterns. Railway system, which was established as a network in Europe between 1830 and 1870, also changed many production and consumption habits from access to raw materials to the transfer of agricultural products to the markets. The first railway project in the Ottoman Empire, which was realized with the financial resources of the state and the aid collected from Muslims inside and outside the country, is the Hejaz Railway project, which was built between 1900-1908 during the reign of Abdulhamid II and includes a route between Damascus and Medina. This study aims to analyze the phosphate mine discovered in the al-Salt district near Amman in Jordan during the construction of the Hejaz Railway in terms of its effects on the Jordanian economy from the date it was found to the present.
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Osmanlı Dönemi Arşiv Belgeleri
BOA, BEO, 3575-268123
BOA, MV. 134-30
BOA, BEO, 3620-271454
BOA, BEO, 3822-286587
BOA, BEO, 3795-284559
BOA, BEO, 3724-279256
BOA, İ.TZT, 1-31
BOA, BEO, 3203-240153
BOA, Y..PRK.AZJ., 44-70
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