The A Research on the Effects of Consumer Loans, Exchange Rate, Oil Prices on the Current Account Balance in Turkiye of Consumer Loans on Changes in the Current Account Deficit in Turkiye

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Consumer credits, Petroleum Price, Exchange Rate, Current Account Balance, ARDL Bound Test


Current account balance/GDP (CABGDP) is an important indicator for understanding a country's position in the world economy and its external economic sustainability. Persistent current account deficits in CABGDP pave the way for many structural problems for economies. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the factors that cause current account deficit formation. This study aims to analyze the impact of consumer loans, exchange rates, and oil prices on CABGDP in Turkey. For this purpose, CABGDP, change in consumer loan volume (CREDBUYU), oil prices (LNBRENT), and exchange rate (LNREDK) are included in the analysis. Quarterly data sets for the period between 2010:Q2 and 2024:Q1 are used in the analysis. The analysis aims to examine the short- and long-run effects of changes in the volume of bank consumer loans, exchange rate, and oil price on the current account balance in Turkey. In addition, it is also aimed to investigate whether there is a long-run cointegration relationship between the variables and if there is a relationship, how long it takes for the equilibrium to occur with the “error correction coefficient.” According to the ARDL bounds test results, the variables are cointegrated in the long run. It is observed that the short-run deviations in the analyzed series disappear over time and equilibrium is reached in the long run. In the short run, it is estimated that CABGDP decreases when CREDBUYU increases. However, CABGDP increased when CREDBUYU(-1) increased.  According to the findings of the analysis, the effect of the increase in the volume of consumer loans in the current period and the increase in the lagged period on the ratio of the CABGDP is different and in this case, credit expansion should be carefully managed. In the short run, it is estimated that its own lagged values have a positive effect on CABGDP, while the 2018 crisis dummy variable has a negative effect. In the long run, it is estimated that CABGDP decreases when LNBRENT increases. According to the findings of the analysis, credit policies in the short run and energy policies in the long run have significant effects on the current account balance.


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How to Cite

Salihoğlu, E., & Kangal, E. (2024). The A Research on the Effects of Consumer Loans, Exchange Rate, Oil Prices on the Current Account Balance in Turkiye of Consumer Loans on Changes in the Current Account Deficit in Turkiye. Journal of Academic Opinion, 4(2), 64–71. Retrieved from


