The Reflectıon Of The Transformatıons Occurıng In The Consumptıon Structure On The Space Through Shoppıng Centers: The Example Of Sivas

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Shopping Centers, Spatial Transformation, Sivas


The reflection of the transformations experienced in the relations of production in the post-1980 period was in the form of the creation of new consumption spaces. These spaces, whose main purpose is consumption, create sub-urban structures in cities and create transformations at the spatial and social level. These consumption spaces, which emerged with the slogan of a new living space, allow activities such as leisure time, socialization, eating and drinking, while at the same time contributing to the reproduction process of the space by transforming the areas in which they are established. These spaces, which are generally established in areas far from the city centers and can be reached by vehicle, quickly attract public and private investments to the areas where they are established and cause these areas to become gentrified. Thus, they trigger spatial segregation within the city. While the modern shopping centers, which caused the traditional texture and lifestyle of the city to gradually wear off, were seen in big cities at first, they have spread rapidly to small cities in recent years and have caused changes in the spatial and social structure. In this study, starting from the consumption concepts, the place of shopping centers, which are the pioneers of consumption culture, in today's society is mentioned, and the effect of shopping centers on urban space is evaluated in the light of the data obtained through observation through the example of Sivas.


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How to Cite

Acungil, Y., & Yıldırım, İsmail. (2022). The Reflectıon Of The Transformatıons Occurıng In The Consumptıon Structure On The Space Through Shoppıng Centers: The Example Of Sivas. Journal of Academic Opinion, 2(2), 81–90. Retrieved from


