The Effects Of Urban Transformation Applications On The Socio-Economic Structure Of The City: The Case Of Tokat 600 Evler Neighborhood

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Urban Transformation, Space, Society, Tokat


After the establishment of the Republic, in our country, which showed a more rural identity, there was a rapid migration flow to the cities after the 1950s, most of the majority of the cities in the country, especially the big cities, were affected by this situation. Unplanned urbanization structures, which have risen as an obstacle to the regular development of cities, have started to be the subject of urban transformation since the beginning of the 21st century. Although this transformation started as the transformation of slum areas in big cities, it later turned into a situation where all old houses in big and small cities started to be the subject of this transformation. Addressing urban transformation practices as a purely architectural and technical issue will prevent seeing the transformations in spaces and societies. The changes and transformations that take place in the space and the changes and transformations in the society are in a dialectical relationship. In this framework, within the scope of urban transformation practices, the changes and transformations that the applications realized at the spatial level on the relations between space and society have been investigated. The structure before and after the urban transformation practices carried out in the places called 600 Evler district in the city of Tokat, which is the subject of the study, has been revealed. In the study, it has been observed that the behavior patterns that family members, individuals and societies have been accustomed to for years have begun to disappear. However, even if the places and consumption habits change, it is still possible to see the traces of traditional relations in newly visited places and in newly established neighborhood-friendship relations.


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Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK), E. T. 09.10.2021.



How to Cite

Acungil, Y., & Türkçe. (2022). The Effects Of Urban Transformation Applications On The Socio-Economic Structure Of The City: The Case Of Tokat 600 Evler Neighborhood. Journal of Academic Opinion, 1(2), 43–49.


